
August 5, 2018

Hebrews 1: Jesus is Greater than Angels

Pastor Scott Jonas
Hebrews 1
Jesus > Angels

We just finished the book of Genesis where we met our creator.  We also got to see the beginning of his plans for salvation.  He chose Abraham, Isaac and Joseph as the representatives of a covenant.  The Lord will be their God and the God of their decedents.  Before Genesis, we were in the Gospel of John, where Jesus presents a new covenant which is given through his body and blood on the cross for you.  Two covenants:  One in Genesis for the Jews and one in John for everyone.
Today we begin a study of Hebrews.  The author is unknown but the purpose is not.  Hebrews is written in eloquent greek to a Jewish audience.  Its purpose is to prove that Jesus is greater.  He is greater than all of the great things in the Old Testament.  Jesus is better than the first covenant.  He is more worthy than the Heroes of Genesis: Abraham, Melchizedek, and Joseph.  Jesus is higher than Mankind, Priests and even Angels.  Jesus is more important than Doctrine, The Holy of Holies and even the Law.  The book of Hebrews takes all of the things that Jews teach are valuable and show that those things point up to Jesus.
In chapter one of Hebrews, the first point is that Jesus is greater than Angels.  To understand what this means let me tell you a little bit about how first century Jews valued Angels.  It might surprise you.  The original hearers of this book saw God as distant, transcendent.  Angels were intermediaries between God and mankind.  They came to believe that God spoke to man through Angels and angels carried the prayers of mankind into the presence of the Lord.  We read in Exodus that the Ten commandments were given directly from God to Moses.  But in New Testament times, Jews believed that God gave the law first to Angels who then passed it on to Moses, direct communication between man and God was unthinkable.
First Century Jews believed that God lived surrounded by angelic hosts.  Sometimes Angels could be an Army but in greek and Hebrew the word Angel simply means “messenger.”  Angels were the means through which God brought his word and his will to earth.  Jews believed they were made of an ethereal fiery substance.  Some of them who were near the throne of God overheard God’s plans.  Other Angels were believed to be part of God’s consulting body, like advisors to a president.  God  would run things by them.  In fact, when it says in Genesis “Let us make man” many Jews believed that was the one God speaking with Angels.  The Angels protested the making of man and woman.  They were jealous of another created being who God loved.  Therefore they attacked Moses on his way up to Mount Sinai.
The first century Jews were elaborate in their angelic inventions.  They gave names to Angels like Raphael, Uriel, Phanuel, Gabriel.  There were 200 Angels who controlled the movement of stars.  There was an Angel who controlled time.  There was an Angel over the Sea.  There were Angels of the frost, rain, snow, hail, thunder and lighting.  There were destroying Angels like Satan and protecting Angels.  Every nation had it’s guardian Angel as did every individual.  So many were the Angels that the Rabbis could even say, “Every blade of Grass has it’s angel.”  It was almost as if the Jews created their own system that resembled Greek gods and magical creatures.
Almost all of these beliefs are not found in the old testament.  They’ve been added by rabbis through centuries of speculation.  You can see how this bad theology created a false belief that Angels were a necessary intermediary between the Father and his children.  We do need a go between but it is not Angels.  It is Jesus Christ. 
Hebrews 1:1 says, In Old days God spoke directly to the Prophets.  Now, God speaks through his son.  Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God.  Angels are created limited beings.  But Jesus is the exact imprint of the Father’s nature.  His relation to the Father is like the relationship between a King’s stamp and the seal impression on a royal decree.  Angels don’t move stars, Jesus upholds the universe by his power.  Angels can’t absolve you of your sins only Jesus can.  Angels don’t sit next to the Father only the Son is at the right hand of the throne.
Angels serve a purpose.  They are messengers.  In the scheme of things, Angels are the mailmen of God.  Everyone gets excited when you receive an important package from Grandma.  But what is most valuable.  The mailman?  The package?  Or Grandma?  Grandma who has known you since you were born and loved you your whole life.  Grandma should be the more valuable than any gift that fits in a box.  Grandma should be worth more to you than the messenger who bring you that box.  In the same way Jesus should be more precious to you than the messengers between you and him.  That includes me.  And more precious than any gift he has given you.
When you hear the mixed up theology of first century Christians, it makes you wonder what is our personal bad theology?  To look at that we only have to look at what made Angelology so fascinating.  It was mysterious.  It was anecdotal.  And it was supernatural.
Those are attributes that catch our hearts and imagination today.  You still have stories about angels that grip people.  I read a book by Eric Metaxes called “Miracles.”  In it were some Angel stories.  One was about a Christian man who was worshipping in a cathedral on the East coast.  Out of nowhere, he saw a fifty-foot Angel in the sanctuary.  The Angel was so colorful that it was like He was in high definition and everything else was black and white. 
Another example, I was listening to a broadcast in which a woman detailed her horrific car accident near Jeff City.  It was so bad that the fire department could not get her out with the Jaws of Life.  While she was waiting for the authorities to figure something out, a catholic priest came by and asked if she wanted to be prayed over.  She did.  It took so long to get her out of the car that many people were around the accident taking pictures.  As she was recuperating in the hospital she and others reported that they witnessed the priest caring for her but none of the pictures on the scene showed him.  Quickly, people believed that he was an Angel.  It makes a great story.
Months later, a priest who was not from the area figured out that he was the mysterious priest.  He was not an Angel but a flesh and blood servant of Christ.  A messenger of the Gospel.  He just happened to be substituting for a local priest who had a ministry at the Jeff City prison.  He stopped when he saw the awful accident and got out and helped as he could.  After he prayed with the woman and she was sent to the ER he went on his way.
When the priest heard about the commotion his mysterious act caused he went back to Jeff City and visited the woman.  He introduced himself and she began to cry.  He was afraid that he had spoiled her experience.  Maybe she believed that he was an Angel and it meant God was looking out for her.  When she stopped crying he apologized.  She said, “I’m not disappointed that you aren’t an angel.  I never thought you were.  I am so grateful to the Lord that he had you  and others on that road that day.  You all prayed for me when I needed God the most. 
Our faith doesn’t need Angel stories.  Jesus is greater than Angel stories.  He lived, died and rose for you.  He cares about every detail of your life.  You can speak to him directly if you are in mortal danger or looking for a parking space.  Jesus is greater than all of our superstitions.  Jesus is greater than all of the magic this world has to offer.  Jesus is greater.  Jesus is greater.